Learning a language is a difficult task in the beginning but once you are in, you would able to manage the techniques effectively. By the passage of time you start loving your language learning journey. Most important thing is your dedication with the tasks and goals, which have set up for the day or a month. Perfect planning and time management when you shut down your procrastination in your closet and forget it forever. There are lots of tips and tricks to improve your language. But today I am sharing my secrets of language learning, which are not only easy but make your learning fun.


  1. Keep a Notebook: Record what you have learn today, your days schedule and important points on which you have to work more. Note down motivational quotes, your achievements and success stories. Any thing which makes you feel proud, your week’s or month’s progress.
  2. Use Mnemonics: This is the most effective way to learn and improve your vocabulary skills. It is the method when you associate a certain word of your targeted language with the sound of something other, which reminds you of the word.
  3. Make Foreign Friends: It would be fun to make new foreign friends and talk to them. It not only reduces your hesitation but improve your listening and speaking skills too. There are certain foreign language forums or the easiest way is the Facebook. So start making new friends today!
  4. Note Phrases: Make your routine to record at least five phrases and try to make sentences with them. Make new sentences with these phrases and use them in your conversation as well. Talk to your language partner or a foreign friend using all these phrases.
  5. Listen Podcasts: New methods and trends are evolving everyday for language learners. The key is to find them and use to make you learning easy. There are different podcasts created by language experts nearly in all the languages. So google today!
  6. Smart Goals: Never try to gulp the whole book in a single day but set smart goals and objectives that are easy and practical to achieve. For example, set your goal to learn ten words each day and revise them at the end of the week. Or you learn a song in a month and sing it to your friend.
  7. Stick to Conventions: Do not try to reinvent the wheel but stick to the conventional ways that are easily handle and digestible. There are new ways evolved but sometimes it takes time to understand them, which make your learning slow. Or you might stop learning just because you cannot understand the way of learning.

Similar Sound Words: Try to note down and learn the words in groups having similar sounds. Fun is that you are the inventor of the melody and sing the words, which will help you to memorize quickly. You can sing it to your friends and interestingly you will never forget these words throughout your life.